Réf : CLOUD_Tr1
This course introduces the concepts and components of the Cloud with OpenStack, and the best practices for its deployment. OpenStack is an open source platform for building private and public clouds, and a community project that aims to help organisations implement virtual server and storage systems at lower cost. Now supported by more than 150 technical partners, including heavyweights such as Cisco, IBM, Yahoo! and NASA (the project’s originator), the OpenStack project has greatly increased in maturity and the software solutions that result from the community’s work are now recognised as being very mature. This 3-day training course is intended for IT professionals wishing to set up a private or public cloud with OpenStack.
Public concerned
- Architects
- Project managers
- Consultants
- Anyone who wants to set up a cloud infrastructure with OpenStack
- Linux system administration
- Virtualization concepts
- Know OpenStack and its different components
- Know how to install the different components of the solution
- Be able to deploy a cloud under OpenStack
- Have the necessary skills to administer an OpenStack cloud
- Presentation of OpenStack: history, players, license
- Features: provision of IaaS infrastructure, cloud orchestration tools, provision of elastic storage, virtual image management…
Installation et configuration
- Hardware and software requirements
- Components to be installed: authentication with Keystone, Glance image server, object storage with Swift, Nova calculation server
- Installation from scripts, configuration of the database, the message service, the Keystone service
- Management of users, groups, access
- Network configuration
- Creation and launching of instances
- Adding a calculation node
- Configuration
- Viewing additional capacity
- Management
- Migration of a compute node
Volume management
- Introduction to Cinder
- Architecture: local, NAS, SAN
- Implementation: starting the service, installing iScsi volumes
- Virtual disk manipulation: creation, attachment, formatting, deletion
Network management
- Definitions: mobile addresses, fixed addresses
- Network modes: Flat, FlatDHCP, VLAN
- Neutron: features, architecture. Implementation on a standalone node
- Creation of a virtual private network
- Adding virtual routers and linking them to instances
- Creation of mobile IP address pools
- Assigning IP addresses to the VM
- Definition of a global architecture
Training environment
- A training aid will be provided in paper format to each trainee.
- A training room with a video projector, a whiteboard and 1 PC per trainee.
- Each PC will be installed with the practical exercise environment.
3 days (the content can also be adapted according to the technological context and the level of knowledge of the trainees)
- The training can be provided both face-to-face and remotely
- The training can take place on an inter-company or intra-company basis
More information ?
Please contact us on + 33(0)2 85 29 43 44 or by email : formation@ablogix.fr for a quote.
The training activity of ABlogiX is "registered under number 52 72 01527 72. This registration is not equivalent to State approval", in accordance with Article L6322-48.