Réf : SSI_Tr7.1
Targeted audience
This training is intended for project members using HCL BigFix to manage patch deployments.
Training objectives
The objectives of the training are:
- Understand and manage the BigFix platform
- Understand and generate endpoint and patch management dashboards
Targeted skills
At the end of the training, the participant will be able to :
- Access and filter endpoint properties
- Create and update endpoint groups
- Track patch deployments
- Monitor deployment
- Create reports
1 day, divided into 5 modules (the program can be adapted to the technological context and level of knowledge of the trainees).
- The training can be assured in person or remotely
- The training can take place on an inter-company or intra-company basis
Unfolding of the training : MORNING
Module 0 : Course objectives
Day 1
Introduction : Presentation of the objectives and the course of the training.
Round table : Presentation of the group, the participants and their expectations.
Module 1 : Lifecycle Management capabilities
Day 1
After completing this module, you should be able to understand :
- Lifecycle Management features
- Physical and logical architecture
Module 2 : Operations
Day 1
After completing this module, you should be able to understand :
- The BIGFIX graphical interface
- Properties of the endpoint analysis
- Analysing inventoried information (Hardware, Sofware)
Unfolding of the training : AFTERNOON
Module 3 : Patch Management
Day 1
After completing this module, you should be able to understand :
- Package creation
- Deployment of Windows patches
- Patch deployment on other platforms
Module 4 : Web Reports
Day 1
After completing this module, you should be able to :
- Use and configure reports (Web Report and BigFix / Console / Web / UI interface)
Training, technical and supervisory resources
Each course module will be covered in a hands-on exercise that will be performed via a remote ELM server provided and installed by ABlogiX. Each participant will have a computer already installed to access the ELM server.
Training support will be provided for each module and will be presented via a video projector or large screen. A whiteboard or interactive whiteboard should be provided with pens.
The training is facilitated by a consultant-trainer, which allows participants to benefit from his field experience.
The trainer
Dominique is a computer engineer specialising in systems and networks. He has worked for more than 10 years in the deployment of asset management and patch management solutions for various sectors of the industry.
More information ?
Please contact us on + 33(0)2 85 29 43 44 or by email : formation@ablogix.fr for a quote.
The training activity of ABlogiX is "registered under number 52 72 01527 72. This registration is not equivalent to State approval", in accordance with Article L6322-48.
Find all our training courses here.
Download here the program of this training