AppScan on Cloud performs all vulnerability testing in SaaS mode
ASoC is a cloud-based vulnerability scanner capable of identifying, understanding and remediating application vulnerabilities on an enterprise-wide basis.
APPSCAN is also available in On-Premise mode (installation on your infrastructure).
Contact ABLOGIX to test it (TRIAL APPSCAN On-Premise) and for any information.
Description of AppScan on Cloud :
AppScan on Cloud (ASoC) is a SaaS-based application vulnerability testing offering developed by HCL that covers all of the following types of testing :
- DAST : it scans Web applications and Web services in Dynamic mode.
- IAST : in addition to DAST testing, this Interactive mode installs an agent on the application that then scans for vulnerabilities during manual testing or automatically via your DevSecOps continuous integration jobs.
- SAST : this static mode scans the application’s source code and supports many languages
- SCA : it identifies vulnerabilities in open source libraries.
AppScan on Cloud also allows you to consolidate and mitigate your organisation’s application security risks. Simply go through the ASoC portal and its configurable Dashboard, setting your own Business Impact levels on each Application.
The ASoC portal also allows :
– Manage user permissions via Roles, Groups and Application Categories.
-Consolidate vulnerabilities and mitigate the security risks of your applications according to your severity criteria.